Ricardo Abad shares with El Economista the challenges of growth and development of AI at Quark

Ricardo Abad, co-founder and managing director of Quark, gave his first interview to El Economista after the acquisition of the company by Sener.

"Our challenge is to replicate our firm's model in Spain in different countries. We have set ourselves the goal of entering one or two countries every year from now on, which would mean being implemented in between five and ten countries in five years".

Abad addresses the company's expansion plans, but also the importance of sustainability as a basis for the design of Data Centers or the development Quark is carrying out for the application of AI to the design of these infrastructures:

"At Quark we have the ambition to be the first in the world to meet this challenge. On the one hand, by being pioneers in designing buildings with AI and, on the other hand, we are also going to be the first to build data centers dedicated exclusively to artificial intelligence”.

You can read the full interview by clicking here.

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